A: Office 365 is Microsoft’s email and applications platform. With Office 365 you can access your email and documents from anywhere over the Internet. Your email will be available through your browser as will Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. All of this will be accessible through the Student Gateway or directly at portal.office.com
How do I access my email?
Through your Student Gateway or Outlook Web App (OWA)
How do I install Office 365?
To install navigate to your Portal.office.com and sign in with your student email and password.
Click Office 365 apps, shown below with pointing arrow
You will receive a prompt asking you to download and then run the setup file. Follow the steps on the prompt.
Once it finishes installing you will be able to register Office with your Student email address.
Please reach out to our Helpdesk if you experience issues, have questions, or concerns.
(800) 747-8367 / [email protected]