​Pacific Oaks College is dedicated to providing a safe learning and working environment that provides an opportunity for the learning and professional development of our students. This includes providing facilities that support the learning environment and maintaining interactions among students, staff, and faculty that are conducive to appropriate professional and academic engagement.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

All students enrolled at the college are expected to know the expectations of appropriate conduct in the classroom, online instruction (including CANVAS, Zoom, and electronic communications), and interaction among their peers, staff, and faculty. Expectations of student behavior and conduct are found in the Academic Catalog in the Student Rights and Responsibilities section and can be reviewedHERE.

​If you have witnessed an incident on campus or have been subject to behaviors that do not meet the standards and expectations outlined in the Academic Catalog, use the button below to submit​ your concern. You may be contacted by a college representative for further details or clarification. Please note, if you choose to report anonymously, it may limit the college's ability to fully address certain circumstances. Pacific Oaks College will work to preserve the confidentiality of your concern, but may also be required under specific state and federal laws to report certain incidents to outside agencies.​
