Welcome to the Pacific Oaks College Alumni family! 

As PO alumni, you belong to a unique community of change agents from around the world, connected by shared values of diversity, social justice, inclusion, and respect.   

Over 50,000 alumni strong and growing, your alma mater heritage first took root in 1945. When a group of Quaker families dared to dream big, they created Pacific Oaks Children’s School – a place for young learners where equality and community could thrive. Those same building blocks are the guiding principles for Pacific Oaks College, which was established in 1959 to train early childhood educators.  

Today, these same hallmarks have led thousands of alumni to address some of society’s biggest challenges in our neighborhoods and across the globe. From community and business leaders, executive directors, educators, administrators, and mental health professionals, the College now has a host of expanded degree programs and specializations to help students and alumni excel in their careers. 

Committed to building a stronger bridge with fellow alumni, students, and the entire PO community, we encourage you to confirm your contact info to receive updates on:

  • Alumni Events and networking opportunities
  • ​Job openings
  • Special Trainings
  • Discounts and more


Join the Alumni Council 
Committed to building a stronger bridge between fellow alumni, students and friends across PO, the Alumni Council serves as the governing body of the Pacific Oaks Alumni Association.  

The Alumni Council meets quarterly to build additional initiatives and ecosystems of support, including:  

  • Mentorship Circles 
  • Alumni Ambassadors Program  
  • Events and more 
To join the Alumni Council, email [email protected]

Giving – Support a student’s journey at Pacific Oaks 
Each semester, your generosity supports a student’s education and academic journey at Pacific Oaks.  
Join them in their relentless commitment to their future and give today by visiting: www.pacificoaks.edu/giving/​

Follow the Pacific Oaks Alumni Association page on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/groups/POAlumniAssoc/ ​

 Stay Connected & Get Involved

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Join the Alumni Council
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