About the Campus

​​Campus Schedule

​Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am – 10:00 pm 

Friday : Closed​

Saturday - Sunday: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm 

Fire Safety & Emergency Evacuation Maps

Pacific Oaks College takes the safety of our buildings very seriously and is committed to the safety and security of all students, faculty and staff. We have fire drills twice a year with the Pasadena Fire Department where we are reminded of the importance of Life Safety during an emergency evacuation. Please be sure to read our Emergency Preparedness Manual .

ID Badges

Everyone is required to carry their Pacific Oaks ID badges to gain access our space at 55 Eureka Street and 45 Eureka Street. The Facilities Team is available to help in case you need a new or replacement badge. To make an appointment for a new badge, please contact the Registrar Office.

For students  -  please see the Registrar's Office
For employees - please see Human Resources.  

Replacement ID badges for employees and student is $20.  


Campus Free parking for staff, students and visitors.

Reserve a Room

For meetings and events, please contact Campus Use at [email protected].