Financial Aid

The Financial Aid department mission statement is to ensure that all eligible students receive financial aid while pursuing educational goals at POC. Our office continues to make every effort possible to identify students' needs and to advise students regarding financial aid. We are focused on providing excellent customer service and promoting financial aid literacy. We aim for our students to have a seamless financial aid experience while they attain a quality education.

Please complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by visiting Our School Code is 001255.

Financial Aid Distributions


-Effective for students starting a new semester Summer I, 2021 term or later, financial aid recipients enrolled in an Online program or School of Education program will now receive their full financial aid disbursement and full stipend (when applicable) at the beginning of each semester. 

Financial aid and stipends (when applicable) will be disbursed every-other term, so students no longer need to wait for two separate distributions.  Students with applicable credit balances will now receive a single stipend at the beginning of a semester that will cover two online terms.  Therefore, it will be critical for students to budget accordingly to ensure sufficient funds are available to cover both online terms in a semester.​

-Students enrolled in an Online or School of Education program starting a new semester on or after Summer 2, 2021 term can request only one voucher amount to purchase books and supplies to cover both online terms. The book voucher expiration dates are extended to expire approximately 2 weeks after the start of the 2nd term. Any unused portion of a book voucher amount will be credited back to a student’s account within 30 days after expiration.

​Click here to request a Bookstore Vouche​r​​


​​Student Employment Eligibility Form (SEEF)

SEEF Fo​rm

You can apply for Federal Work Study using the SEEF Form above. If you have any questions, please reach out to our office:

Online Students: [email protected]

Campus-based Students: [email protected]​​